
Top 10 List of Week 01

1. RedHat

A great summary of basic vi editor.

2. CoCalc

Online Linux Terminal that helped me when I hadn’t installed Debian.

3. Lumbung - SSHKey

It taught me how to login to SSH Kawung via Debian’s terminal.

4. Stack Overflow

Helped me troubleshooting the problem that occured when login to SSH via Debian’s terminal.

5. StackEdit

An editor to show preview for Markdown markup language.

6. Markdown Syntax Cheat Sheet

Useful when styling simple text.

7. Ryans Tutorials

Useful Grep cheat sheet.

8. LZone

Useful Sed cheat sheet.

9. Shortcut Foo

Useful AWK cheat sheet.

10. DevHints

Usefule Bash cheat sheet.

# OS211 Google Photos

Contains all photos from OS211 sync session.