
Top 10 Interesting Link of Week 04

01. Bits, Bytes, and Words

Back to the basic! What are bits, bytes, and words? This article explains about the three of them in a simple way. Thus, my brain can understand about that concept pretty easily.

02. Contiguous Memory Allocations

Contiguous memory allocation is a memory allocation method that allocates a single contiguous section of memory to a process or a file. This article is interesting because it consists a lot of topics. It explains about memory allocation, memory management, fragmentation, and its advantages and disadvantages.

03. Paging in Operating Sysem

Paging is a memory management scheme that eliminates the need for contiguous allocation of physical memory. The well-explained topic and the illustrations are what make this article interesting.

04. Difference Between Paging and Swapping

This article is the continuation of the above article. In short, swapping is copying out the entire process meanwhile paging is allocating the memory. As always, the illustrations make this article interesting. Beside that, the table that they gave also helped me to compare paging and swapping side-by-side.

05. Linux’s Libraries

Linux’s libraries are divided to two; static libraries and shared libraries. This article explains it really really well. It is interesting because it provides us with the differences between dynamic/shared and static libraries and the advantages and disadvantages of both libraries.

06. Dynamic Linking and Dynamic Loading

Shared libraries are divide to two, dynamic linking and dynamic loading, which both play the pivotal role in program execution. This article explains each of them very well with two diagrams and the also provide us the comparison between dynamic linking and dynamic loading.

07. What is Little Endian and Big Endian?

This article explains about Little Endian and Big Endian very thoroughly. It tells about what is Endianness and why is it important. This article is interesting because it also explains why Little Endian is used more often than Big Endian.

08. Check Your System’s Endianness

This forum is full of different ways on how to check our system’s endianness (Big Endian or Little Endian). This particular answer is interesting because it tells us how to check our system’s endianness using only one-liner script using Perl on our terminal.

09. Variable’s Address in C

This article explains about variable’s address and its scope in C language. This article is interesting because it tells us only the necessary information + the code examples really helped me to understand about it.

10. Pointer to Pointer in C

This article tells us on how to create a pointer to pointer or double pointer. The illustration that they gave makes this article interesting since it made me understand the concept pretty well.