
Top 10 Interesting Link of Week 06

01. Concurrency

What is concurrency? This article gives a complete explanation regarding concurrency. This link is interesting because it explains everything very thoroughly.

02. Concurrency vs Parallelism

Concurrency is about dealing with lots of things at once. Parallelism is about doing lots of things at once. Confuse? Watch the video above to help your understanding! The video is interesting because it teaches us about concurrency and parallelism using example and illustrations.

03. Process State

Process State means that the processfrom its creation to completionpasses through various states. This interesting article explains about process state in a simple way, thus makes it easier for us to understand the concept.

04. Process Scheduling

Process scheduling is an essential part of a Multiprogramming operating systems. It is the activity of the process manager that handles the removal of the running process from the CPU and the selection of another process on the basis of a particular strategy. This article explains about processing scheduling in detail. There is a comparison table which makes this link interesting.

05. PID and PPID

This article explains about Process ID (PID) and Parent Process ID (PPID) very thoroughly. This link is interesting because it provides us with a few examples and illustrations.

06. Background and Foreground Process

As a multitasking operating system, Linux supports the execution of many processesbasically, programs or commands or similar tasksin the background while you continue to work in the foreground. This article is interesting because it tells us about the difference between those two and how to switch between them.

07. Multi-Threading

A thread is a flow of execution through the process code. Multithreading refers to multiple threads of execution within an operating system. This article contains many information regarding process and thread. This article is interesting because it explains about threading very thoroughly with many illustrations.

08. Threading Issues

There are many threading issues that this article covers such as system calls, thread cancellation, signal handling, thread pool, and thread specific data. Despite not providing us with many illustrations, this article is still interesting since it explains about threading issues very thoroughly.

09. Difference Between Process and Thread

This article explains about difference between process and thread. Beside that, it also gives us a brief explanation about process and thread. This article also provides us list of key difference which make this article interesting.

10. Fork() in C

Fork system call is used for creating a new process (called child process), which runs concurrently with the process that makes the fork() call (parent process). This article explains about Fork() very clearly. The amount of examples isn’t small which makes this link interesting.